ISO 45001:2018

Occupational Health & Safety Management System Awareness Training

Online platform & face to face option available

 HRDF-claimable | Forward enquiry to

Programme Objectives

Objective 1

For management to understand how rudimentary OHS affects their bottom line. 

Objective 2

For employees to maintain productivity and performance during this pandemic 

Objective 3

For OSHA/ESH Committee members to understand operational controls measures which mitigates risks to business profitability 

Objective 4

Overall, for stakeholders to trust that the company knows how to manage long term sustainable operations. 

Our Training is HRDF-claimable

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This training is for any persons who wish to implement the OHS Management System based on the fundamentals of ISO 45001:2018 in their organisation.

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Programme Modules 

Module 1

i. Nature of Business and ISO 45001 implications.

ii. Scope of OSH and ESH Management Systems

iii. Roles, Responsibilities and Accountability under ISO45001: 2018 Guidelines

Module 2

i. Practical Review of Cases

ii. Do and Don’t in implementing management systems

Module 3

i. . Hazard identification and Risk classification

ii. Assessment of Risks in Operations

Module 4

i. Action Plan for Mitigating Risks

ii. OSH & ESH Planning requirements,

 - Resources- People – Competence & Communication

 - Operation Processes – Eliminate hazards and reduce risks

 - Procurement- Equipped for Emergency, Preparedness and Response

 - Evaluation of Compliance - Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis & Performance Evaluation

 - Audit & Management Reviews - Incident, Non-conformity & Corrective Action Plan.

Trainer Profile

Dr. Sathia Segaran

He has a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Occupational Safety and Health Management.

With over 20 years of industrial experience specializing in manufacturing for electrical and electronics, plastic injection moulding, printing, rubber and chemical related sectors have earned him the experience and expertise to advise on what works and what does not in fulfilling the compliance requirements in organizations especially in mitigating risks for OSH and ESH.

He is the recipient of the International Golden Key Honours for academic excellence. As a validator of certification body auditors for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 13485, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22000 certification programmes, he has earned his position as the Program Manager with Social Accountability International, in the US as a Certified Trainer for the SA 8000 programmes which is a Social Accountability Standards accepted worldwide.

Dr.Sathia was responsible for designing the ISO 9001:2015 IRCA Lead Auditors Course for Globalgroup of Companies Limited. He is also the Prime Minister’s Hibiscus Award Lead Assessor for the past 15 years for assessing high risk industries such as the oil and gas, construction and oleo chemicals. On top of this he is also a Certified Energy Manager registered under the AEMAS scheme which was co- funded by the European Commission.


Dr. N. Sathia is a dynamic trainer who is also a strong believer of integrative learning, which involves multiple levels of intelligence. He believes that training must be relevant and effective to the organization and fun engagement for the participants.


Eco Sentido Sdn Bhd

A specialist is delivering training and eco consulting solutions that helps organizations streamline operations, mitigate risks and create long term value for business sustainability.