Well Health -Safety Rating for Facility Operators 

The first standard that focuses solely on the health and wellness of building occupants

What is WELL?

The WELL building standard (WELL) is the first standard that focuses solely on the health and wellness of building occupants, administrated by International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI™) by in 2014. WELL Certified™ spaces and developments can lead to a built environment that helps to improve the nutrition, fitness, mood, sleep, comfort and performance of its occupants. It encourage healthy, more active lifestyles and reducing occupantexposure to harmful chemicals and pollutants.

In order to achieve the requirements of the WELL Building Standard, the space must undergo a process that includes an on-site assessment and performance testing by a third party.

WELL Health-Safety Rating (WHSR)

The WELL Health-Safety Rating was created by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) in June 2020. 

Benefits of WELL Health-Safety Rating 

The WELL Health-Safety Rating can help guide users in preparing their spaces for re-entry in a post-COVID-19 environment, instilling confidence in occupants and the broader community.

For those who is pursuing the WELL Building standard, they can integrate the rating as a milestone within their WELL Certification or WELL Portfolio journey.

Why use WELL Health & Safety Rating

The WELL Health-Safety Rating for Facility Operations and Management is an evidence-based, third-party verified rating for all new and existing building and facility types focusing on operational policies, maintenance protocols, stakeholder engagement and emergency plans.

Rating Area

The WELL Health-Safety Rating covers more than 20 features under the following six focus areas: 

Sanitation Procedures

Emergency Preparedness Programs

Health Service Resources

Air and Water Quality Management

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication


How is the rating process?

How can Eco Sentido help? 

In achieving the WELL Health-Safety Rating, Eco Sentido joins Green Quarters Sdn Bhd, leveraging its existing expertise in WELL AP and GBI will help facility management to prepare for the assessment.

Message us or contact us for further details at info@ecosense.com.my